Questão 01 sobre Voz Passiva em Inglês: (CESCEA-SP) The money _________ by an unknown person.
A) was stolen
B) stolen
C) have been stolen
D) has stolen
E) were
Questão 02. (ITA-SP) He _________ to bed as soon as he got to the hospital, wasn’t he?
A) put
B) was putting
C) will put
D) was put
E) puts
Questão 03. (OSEC-SP) A wonderful house ____________ by him yesterday.
A) have been sold
B) has be sold
C) was sold
D) has been sold
E) has sold
Questão 04 sobre Voz Passiva em Inglês: (CESCEM-SP) He is ______________ to the doctor.
A) being taken
B) being taking
C) took
D) taking
E) been taken
Questão 05. (FAAP-SP) Great discoveries ______________ in this country.
A) is
B) was
C) was been made
D) were been made
E) have been made
Questão 06. (Mackenzie-SP) A voz passiva de “Somebody must send me the new books” é:
A) The new books would be sent to me.
B) The new books must be sent by somebody.
C) I must sent the new books.
D) The new books must be sent to me.
E) I will sent the new books.
Questão 07. (Mackenzie-SP) Choose the CORRECT alternative. Change the following sentence to the passive voice: “You don’t need to wind this wonderful watch.”
A) This wonderful watch isn’t needed to be wind.
B) This wonderful watch doesn’t need to be winded.
C) This wonderful watch doesn’t need to be wound.
D) This wonderful watch don’t need to be wounded.
E) You don’t need to be wounded by this wonderful watch.
Questão 08 sobre Voz Passiva em Inglês: (FMU/FIAM-SP) A forma passiva de “Nobody beat the record of this race” é:
A) The record of this race wasn’t beaten.
B) The record of this race was beat by nobody.
C) The record of this race was beaten by nobody.
D) Nobody is beat by the record of this race.
E) Nobody was beat the record of this race.
Questão 09. (OSEC-SP) Procure a sentença que esteja na voz ativa e identifique a alternativa correspondente na voz passiva. It has been estimated that there are now fewer than 2,000 Blue Whales in the Antarctic. They should ban whale-hunting.
A) Blue Whales have been estimated fewer than 2,000.
B) In the Antarctic, Blue Whales would be banned.
C) Whale-hunting is banned in the Antarctic.
D) Something has been estimated and banned.
E) Whale-hunting should be banned.
Questão 10 sobre Voz Passiva em Inglês: (UFPI) Assinale a voz passiva de “Nobody had punished the boy”.
A) The boy was not punished.
B) The boy had punished nobody.
C) The boy had not been punished by nobody.
D) The boy nobody had punished.
E) The boy had not been punished.
🔵 >>> Veja também nossas outras listas de exercícios de Inglês.
Gabarito com as respostas da lista com 10 exercícios de Inglês sobre Voz Passiva em Inglês:
01. A;
02. D;
03. C;
04. A;
05. E;
06. D;
07. C;
08. A;
09. E;
10. E

Doutorando em Genética e Biologia Molecular – UESC-BA
Mestre em Genética e Biologia Molecular – UESC-BA
Pós-Graduado em Metodologia do Ensino de Biologia e Química – FAEL
Licenciado em Ciências Biologias – IFMT/Campus Juína