Questão 01 sobre Grau Comparativo e Superlativo de Superioridade em Inglês: (Milton Campos-MG) It’s said ________ one studies ________ he earns. Is it true?
A) better / less
B) more / little
C) the most / the least
D) the more / the less
E) the more / the least
Questão 02. (Milton Campos-MG) It’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to me. The underlined phrase in the previous sentence can be replaced by the following alternatives, EXCEPT:
A) the unusual.
B) the funniest.
C) the most shocking.
D) the best.
E) the most shameful.
Questão 03. (UFV-MG) Select the CORRECT word or words to complete this sentence: “A cat can jump _________ a rabbit.”
A) high as
B) higher than
C) highest
D) more high than
E) as high than
Questão 04. (UFMS) England is geographically _________ Scotland.
A) large than
B) the largest
C) large as
D) larger than
E) largest
Questão 05 sobre Grau Comparativo e Superlativo de Superioridade em Inglês: (UFScar-SP) His wife is ________ than his sister.
A) prettier
B) very pretty
C) prettiest
D) pretty
E) the prettiest
Questão 06. (CESCEM-SP) No one was ________ than John when he heard a lie.
A) angrier
B) so angry
C) angriest
D) most angry
E) angry
Questão 07. (VUNESP) He is ________ boy in town.
A) so rich
B) richer
C) the richest
D) richest
E) richest than
Questão 08. (PUC-Campinas-SP) The first lesson in the book was certainly ________ than the others; but it was not ________ in the book.
A) easier – the best
B) easy – the better
C) easiest – the best
D) easy – good
E) easiest – the better
Questão 09. (Milton Campos-MG) The scores aren’t very good but l guess it could be even _________.
A) best
B) worse
C) worsen
D) worst
E) badly
Questão 10 sobre Grau Comparativo e Superlativo de Superioridade em Inglês: (Milton Campos-MG) Revolutionary marxism has imploded in Russia _________ the world could expect.
A) the quickest of
B) so quickly as
C) more quickly than
D) much quickly than
E) less quickly as
🔵 >>> Veja também nossas outras listas de exercícios de Inglês.
Gabarito com as respostas do simulado com 10 atividades sobre Grau Comparativo e Superlativo de Superioridade em Inglês:
01. D;
02. A;
03. B;
04. D;
05. A;
06. A;
07. C;
08. A;
09. B;
10. C

Doutorando em Genética e Biologia Molecular – UESC-BA
Mestre em Genética e Biologia Molecular – UESC-BA
Pós-Graduado em Metodologia do Ensino de Biologia e Química – FAEL
Licenciado em Ciências Biologias – IFMT/Campus Juína