Passado Perfeito e Presente Perfeito em Inglês: FGV-SP–2010
Petrobras approves first offshore heavy oil development
Petrobras has approved the development project for its Siri field in the Campos basin, according to a news report from Brazil. The feld will be the first in the world (01) extra heavy oil from an offshore site. Siri field, off the coast of Southeast Brazil, (02) in production tests since March and the company plans to contract production equipament in 2011.
Available at: <>. (Adapted).
Assinale a alternativa que completa, CORRETA e respectivamente, cada lacuna no texto.
Questão 01. A) the product
B) in production
C) will produce
D) is produced
E) to produce
Questão 02. A) would have seen
B) had been
C) were done
D) has been
E) was going
Questão 03. (UNESP) We’re still waiting for Bill. He __________ yet.
A) hasn’t come
B) haven’t come
C) didn’t come
D) doesn’t come
E) won’t come
Questão 04. (Milton Campos-MG) The Eurostar Train __________ since November 14, 1994, between London and Paris.
A) was running
B) ran
C) is running
D) has been running
E) have run
Questão 05 sobre Passado Perfeito e Presente Perfeito em Inglês: (PUC-Campinas-SP) Although they _________ in the country since they got married, they are now moving to town.
A) live
B) have been living
C) are living
D) be living
E) None of the above applies.
Questão 06. (ITA-SP) Mr. Smith, accompanied by his wife and three children, _________ just arrived.
A) have
B) has
C) was
D) were
E) are
Questão 07. (Milton Campos-MG) Brazilian coffee ___________ competition on the international market since its price started going up.
A) is losing
B) lost
C) loses
D) has been losing
E) have lost
Questão 08. (UFG) Why _______ those people singing? Because they _______ gotten some good news.
A) are, have
B) is, have
C) have, had
D) was, has
E) was, had
Questão 09. (UFES) They _______ in this city since they were little boys.
A) had lived
B) are living
C) lived
D) live
E) have lived
Questão 10 sobre Passado Perfeito e Presente Perfeito em Inglês: (ITA-SP) Sara _______ classes lately, has she?
A) didn’t attend
B) hasn’t attended
C) doesn’t attend
D) hadn’t attended
E) haven’t attended
🔵 >>> Veja também nossas outras listas de exercícios de Inglês.
Gabarito com as respostas da melhor lista com 10 questões de Inglês sobre Passado Perfeito e Presente Perfeito em Inglês:
01. E;
02. D;
03. A;
04. D;
05. B;
06. B;
07. D;
08. A;
09. E;
10. B;

Doutorando em Genética e Biologia Molecular – UESC-BA
Mestre em Genética e Biologia Molecular – UESC-BA
Pós-Graduado em Metodologia do Ensino de Biologia e Química – FAEL
Licenciado em Ciências Biologias – IFMT/Campus Juína