Questão 01 sobre Pronomes Indefinidos e Adjetivos Quantitativos em Inglês: (UNESP) _________________ said she is right.
A) Somebody
B) Anybody
C) Anyone
D) Something
E) Anything
Questão 02. (FCMSC-SP) “Nurse, is there any message for me?” “No, doctor, _________________.”
A) something
B) anything
C) anyone
D) no one
E) none
Questão 03. (FUVEST-SP) Choose another way of saying “There isn’t anything really like that”.
A) There is nothing really like that.
B) There aren’t many things really like that.
C) There aren’t no things really like that.
D) There is anything hardly really like that.
E) There are a few things really like that.
Questão 04 sobre Pronomes Indefinidos e Adjetivos Quantitativos em Inglês: (UFBA) He doesn’t prefer to add ______ to his life.
A) something
B) anything
C) nothing
D) somebody
E) everybody
Questão 05. (Milton Campos-MG) Prejudice is _________ nasty. I see __________ point keeping _________. _________ should avoid it.
A) something – no – no one – Somebody
B) everything – any – some – Everybody
C) nothing – some – none – Someone
D) anything – any – any – Body
E) something – no – any – Everybody
Questão 06. (FCC-BA) The room is empty. There is __________ in it.
A) anybody
B) somebody
C) nobody
D) anything
E) something
Questão 07. (PUC-SP) You must lose __________ time in adjusting yourself to your new powers.
A) not
B) nor
C) no
D) none
E) any
Questão 08. (UFSCar-SP) I cannot teach _____________ more classes this week.
A) some
B) any
C) no
D) none
E) one
Questão 09. (ESBI-MG) “Who are you going to vote for in the next election? __________, I don’t believe in __________ of the candidates.”
A) Some – any
B) Nothing – some
C) Somebody – any
D) Nobody – any
E) Neither – some
Questão 10 sobre Pronomes Indefinidos e Adjetivos Quantitativos em Inglês: (OSEC-SP) “Did you see anybody in the garden yesterday?” “No, I saw ___________ there.”
A) anyone
B) anybody
C) somebody
D) nobody
E) someone
🔵 >>> Veja também nossas outras listas de exercícios de Inglês.
Gabarito com as respostas da lista com 10 questões sobre Pronomes Indefinidos e Adjetivos Quantitativos em Inglês:
01. A;
02. E;
03. A;
04. B;
05. E;
06. C;
07. C;
08. B;
09. D;
10. D;

Doutorando em Genética e Biologia Molecular – UESC-BA
Mestre em Genética e Biologia Molecular – UESC-BA
Pós-Graduado em Metodologia do Ensino de Biologia e Química – FAEL
Licenciado em Ciências Biologias – IFMT/Campus Juína