Questão 01 sobre Sufixos e Prefixos em Inglês: (UFMG) FILL IN the blanks with the correct combination of the word in brackets and one of the following beginnings and endings under-, over-, -ful, and -y. (The first one is done for you as an example.)
A guide to healthier habits:
A) Try to have a healthy balanced diet. (health)
B) Remember that smoking is ____________ to your health. (harm)
C) If you are ______________, reduce your calorie intake. (weight)
D) Exercise regularly and avoid ____________ situations. (stress)
E) To prevent osteoporosis, eat plenty of cheese, ____________ fsh and drink milk. (oil)
F) Join a sports center if you are ____________ (exercised)
G) Plan to eat less ____________ foods, cakes and confectionery. (fat)
H) Choose fresh rather than ____________ vegetables. (cooked)
I) Avoid the risks of eating dangerous foods like ____________ meat. (done)
J) Try to resist any ____________ desire to eat more after you are satisfed. (powering)
K) Stay away from alcohol and ____________ foods. (sugar)
Questão 02. (UFMG–2006 / Adaptado) FILL IN the gaps with the appropriate form of the word. (Some of them have been done for you as examples.)

Questão 03. Sufixos e Prefixos em Inglês: (URCA-CE) Unlinking is an example of a word made of a prefix and a suffix. Check the alternative that contains words made of a prefix and a suffix.
A) talky – moving
B) longer – liturgical
C) murderers – action
D) inappropriately – rearranged
E) deftly – enormous
Questão 04 sobre Sufixos e Prefixos em Inglês: (UFMT) Leia a sentença: “The researchers point out that many factors – including lifestyles and living conditions, and differences in people’s immune systems – affect the likelihood of the virus being transmitted.” A palavra likelihood poderá ser substituída, sem mudar o sentido, por:
A) preference.
B) prevalence.
C) interference.
D) probability.
E) presentation.
Questão 05. (UFF-RJ) The sufix -less in the word bottomless means:
A) with bottom.
B) over the bottom.
C) at the bottom.
D) without bottom.
E) out of bottom.
Questão 06. (UNISC-RS) Os verbos em inglês, quando acrescidos do sufixo “-er”, passam a denominar os sujeitos que praticam a ação, como no caso do verbo “to teach”, que, sem a partícula indicadora de verbo no infinitivo “to”, acrescido de “-er” ao final, passa a ser “teacher” ou o professor, “aquele que ensina”. Em qual dos seguintes conjuntos de palavras isto NÃO acontece?
A) welder, wanderer, player
B) killer, batterer, reader
C) worker, writer, trainer
D) maker, cleaner, baker
E) member, shelter, later
After a Century, a Literary Reputation Finally Blooms
The novelist Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis died 100 years ago and he has been called “the greatest writer ever produced in Latin America,” surpassing even Borges. The critic Harold Bloom went even further, saying that Machado was “the supreme literary artist to date.” Comparisons to Flaubert, Beckett and Kafka abound, and John Barth and Donald Barthelme have claimed him as an influence on their work.
In recognition of his work, “Machado 21: A Centennial Celebration” is being held in New York City and New Haven. The commemorations include round tables and seminars discussing the author’s life and work; readings; screenings of films based on his work; an exhibition of art inspired by his writings; and a performance of some of his poems set to music.
Mr. Bloom describes Machado as “a kind of miracle.” Born in Rio de Janeiro in 1839, Machado was the grandson of slaves, his father a housepainter and his mother a white immigrant washerwoman from the Azores. Enormously cultured and erudite, he was largely self-taught, working as a typesetter’s apprentice and journalist before becoming a novelist, poet and playwright.
Eventually Machado took a post in the Ministry of Agriculture, married a Portuguese woman of noble descent and settled into a middle-class life that allowed him to build a parallel career as a translator of Shakespeare, Hugo and other literary lions. But around the age of 40, when he was already suffering from epilepsy, his health worsened, and he nearly lost his sight, a crisis that seemed to provoke a radical change in his style, attitude and focus.
Roberto Schwarz, one of Brazil’s foremost experts on Machado, said “What you see in the five novels and his short stories from that period is a writer without illusions, courageous and cynical, who is highly civilized but at the same time implacable in exposing the hypocrisy of modern man accommodating himself to conditions that are intolerable.”
“When you first read Machado in school, you quickly realize that he is the master of our language, our Shakespeare, a real wizard with words,” Mr. Pereira dos Santos said. “And he is so up to date and psychologically astute. Even with the huge changes Brazilian society has experienced in my lifetime, Machado’s ability to grasp the essence of social relations and behavior, many of which are archaic but persist into the 21st century, makes him extremely relevant.”
ROTHER, Larry. The New York Times. Sep. 12, 2008. (Adapted).
Questão 07. Leia as afirmações abaixo e, em seguida, assinale a única sentença que NÃO está de acordo com o texto.
A) Flaubert, Beckett e Kafka estão entre os vários autores influenciados pela obra de Machado de Assis.
B) Machado de Assis era neto de escravos e filho de uma lavadeira imigrante da ilha de Açores.
C) Aos 40 anos de idade, devido a seus problemas de saúde, quase ficou cego, o que provocou uma mudança radical em seu estilo de vida.
D) O contexto psicológico, que marca as obras de Machado, continua relevante no século XXI.
E) Machado de Assis foi tradutor de obras de Shakespeare e Hugo, dentre outros grandes expoentes da literatura mundial.
Questão 08 sobre Sufixos e Prefixos em Inglês: As palavras worsened, civilized, huge, archaic e relevant, destacadas no texto, têm como antônimos, respectivamente:
A) got better, uncivilized, tiny, modern, irrelevant.
B) improved, primitive, very small, inarchaic, significant.
C) got better, incivilized, very small, modern, unrelevant.
D) got worse, uncivilized, tiny, unmodern, irrelevant.
E) got better, uncivilized, small, postmodern, significant.
Questão 09. O fragmento Mr. Bloom describes Machado as “a kind of miracle”, sublinhado no texto, na voz passiva é:
A) Machado has been described as a kind of miracle by Mr. Bloom.
B) Machado is being described as a kind of miracle by Mr. Bloom.
C) Machado was described as a kind of miracle by Mr. Bloom.
D) A kind of miracle about Machado is described by Mr. Bloom.
E) Machado is described as a kind of miracle by Mr. Bloom.
Questão 10 sobre Sufixos e Prefixos em Inglês: Com base no texto, analise as afirmativas, assinalando F para as FALSAS e V para as VERDADEIRAS:
1) ( ) Extremamente erudito e culto, Machado de Assis foi um autodidata e adquiriu a maior parte de seus conhecimentos com esforço próprio.
2) ( ) Machado de Assis, nascido há cem anos, é somente superado, na América Latina, por Borges.
3) ( ) Machado de Assis é considerado um tipo de milagre por ter tido uma origem bastante humilde.
4) ( ) Além de ser considerado um mestre da língua, Machado de Assis tinha conhecimentos de magia.
5) ( ) Por influência de sua esposa de origem nobre, Machado de Assis chegou a ser Ministro da Agricultura.
A sequência CORRETA é:
A) V V F V V.
B) F V V F V.
C) V F F V F.
D) V F V F F.
E) F V V F F.
>>> Veja também nossas outras listas de exercícios de Inglês.
Gabarito com as respostas do simulado com 10 questões de Inglês sobre Sufixos e Prefixos em Inglês:
Resposta da questão 01. B. harmful
C. overweight
D. stressful
E. oily
F. underexercised
G. fatty
H. overcooked
I. underdone
J. overpowering
K. sugary
Resposta da questão 02.

Resposta da questão 03. D;
Resposta da questão 04. D;
Resposta da questão 05. D;
Resposta da questão 06. E;
Resposta da questão 07. A;
Resposta da questão 08. A;
Resposta da questão 09. E;
Resposta da questão 10. D;

Doutorando em Genética e Biologia Molecular – UESC-BA
Mestre em Genética e Biologia Molecular – UESC-BA
Pós-Graduado em Metodologia do Ensino de Biologia e Química – FAEL
Licenciado em Ciências Biologias – IFMT/Campus Juína
qual é a resposta do exercicio 6 ?
pronto esta corrigido o gabarito, responta é a da 06. E.
Na questão 8, a resposta correta não é a alternativa D. A alternativa correta é a A.
qual e a resposta da 3
Todas as respostas ficam no final da página.
favor arrumar a questão 8
é a letra A invés da D.
isso prejudica os estudos !!
Olá, parabéns por notar o erro e muito obrigado por avisar. Já realizamos a correção.