Questão 01 sobre Verbos Causativos e Uso do Infinitivo e Gerúndio no Inglês: (Fatec-SP / Adaptado) Observe o uso (função gramatical) da forma -ing nas frases seguintes:
I. For several years, a British energy company, British Gas, has been quietly drilling in the Mediterranean.
II. Instead, Sharon is leaning toward […]
III. […] for their resource […] would end up financing terrorist attacks […]
O uso dessa forma é igual ao que se encontra em Despite losing a Likud Party vote […], EXCETO na(s) frase(s):
A) I e II.
B) I e III.
C) II e III.
D) I.
Questão 02. (Mackenzie-SP) Indicate the alternative that BEST completes the following sentence.
“I had hoped _______________ my letter.”
A) her answer
B) her answering
C) that she answer
D) that she would answer
E) to her answer
Questão 03. (Mackenzie-SP) Indicate the alternative that BEST completes the following sentence.
“ _______________ is a dangerous sport.”
A) Parachuted
B) Parachuteneer
C) Parachuter
D) Parachute
E) Parachuting
Questão 04 sobre Verbos Causativos e Uso do Infinitivo e Gerúndio no Inglês: (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa CORRETA.
Both Mary and Roger enjoy ________ tennis.
A) plays
B) play
C) to playing
D) playing
E) played
Questão 05. (ITA-SP) A MELHOR forma de concluir a sentença a seguir é:
Although personal appearance is of great importance when going to an interview for a job, the candidate should be careful
A) to not overdress.
B) to do not overdress.
C) not to overdress.
D) do not overdress.
E) not overdress.
Gangland Dublin: deadly spree of violence leaves a “carefree” city looking into abyss
The image of Dublin as a prosperous, carefree city has been dealt a series of blows by a surge of gangland violence that has led to a record number of murders and created a security crisis for Bertie Ahern’s Government. Ten years after, the murder of Veronica Guerin, the investigative journalist, triggered a public outcry over the country’s power-thirsty drug dealers, an escalating new feud has illuminated the dark underbelly of the Irish capital.
Police launched a murder investigation yesterday after a 28-year-old man became the latest victim of the violence. He was shot in the early hours of the morning as he slept on a sofa in a house in the north inner-city district of Dublin.
Named locally as Stephen Ledden, a father of one and a convicted robber, he was believed to have been targeted in retaliation for the murder of a rival criminal outside a supermarket in Dublin two weeks ago. Mr. Ledden was killed by a gunman who entered the house through the unlocked front door before shooting him once in the back of the head.
The murder of Mr. Ledden was the 63rd violent death in the Irish Republic this year, including 27 gun killings, the highest level in almost a decade. They include the murders this month of Dublin’s “Mr. Big”, the drugs baron Martin “Marlo” Hyland, and Anthony Campbell, 20, an apprentice plumber, who was in the house at the time and was shot to stop him identifying the killer.
LISTER, David. The Sunday Times, Jun. 10, 2007.
Questão 06. The city of Dublin has been seen up to now as:
A) critic and dangerous.
B) prosperous and carefree.
C) murderous and sly.
D) violent and secure.
Questão 07. The text states that Veronica Guerin was:
A) the chief of a feud between gangs.
B) a dangerous Irish drug dealer.
C) a reporter murdered ten years ago.
D) the Mayor of the capital of Ireland.
Questão 08 sobre Verbos Causativos e Uso do Infinitivo e Gerúndio no Inglês: The following statements are true about the latest victim of violence in Dublin, EXCEPT:
A) He was sleeping in the police station.
B) He was reported to have been 28 years old.
C) He was in an inner-city district of the capital.
D) He was murdered with a free shot.
Questão 09. Stephen Ledden, the victim referred to by the article:
A) was killed by his wife.
B) had a large family of children.
C) had been a gunman before.
D) was a criminal himself.
Questão 10 sobre Verbos Causativos e Uso do Infinitivo e Gerúndio no Inglês: In the Irish Republic this year there have already been:
A) 63 violent deaths.
B) 27 gang murders.
C) 20 murderers’ identifications.
D) one drug related death.
🔵 >>> Veja também nossas outras listas de exercícios de Inglês.
Gabarito com as respostas do simulado com 10 questões sobre Verbos Causativos e Uso do Infinitivo e Gerúndio no Inglês:
01. A;
02. D;
03. E;
04. D;
05. C;
06. B;
07. C;
08. A;
09. D;
10. A

Doutorando em Genética e Biologia Molecular – UESC-BA
Mestre em Genética e Biologia Molecular – UESC-BA
Pós-Graduado em Metodologia do Ensino de Biologia e Química – FAEL
Licenciado em Ciências Biologias – IFMT/Campus Juína