Simple Past to be: FJP-MG–2010
Hopes rise for UK financial sector
The number of new financial companies seeking UK regulatory authorisation rose 10 per cent in the second quarter, marking the first increase since early 2008. The single largest group among the 282 new registrants with the Financial Services Authority were independent financial advisers who sell life assurance and other retail products. The data are likely to boost hopes that parts of the financial community in London may now be reshaping and adapting after the financial crisis. The number of firms cancelling their authorisation with the FSA also slowed by 18 per cent in the three months to June, a study by IMAS Corporate Advisors shows. But the researchers warned that it was too early to say the recession was ending. The 631 cancellations still far outnumbered the 282 new entrants UK-wide. But London might be bottoming out: the capital′s 114 new groups equalled the number of cancellations in the quarter.
MASTERS, Brooke. Hopes rise for UK financial sector. Financial Times, Aug. 09, 2009. Available at: <>.
Questão 01. The text states that new financial companies:
A) are in the increase in UK.
B) are rising funds to start operations.
C) decreased in the present year.
D) have registered losses lately.
Questão 02. The financial companies the text talks about are in the process of:
A) asking for regulatory authorisation.
B) closing their activities started in 2008.
C) increasing their regulatory capital.
D) marking the demand of customers.
Questão 03 sobre Simple Past to be: The demand for authorisation by financial companies has risen:
A) for the first time since early 2008.
B) in the same rate as last year.
C) increasingly from the first months of 2008.
D) regularly since the beginning of 2008.
Questão 04. The majority of the companies presented in the text:
A) belonged to a holding of 282 companies.
B) dealt with life insurance and retail products.
C) seemed interested in employing only single people.
D) were government boards giving authorisation.
Questão 05. The good news seems to indicate that in London the:
A) community is coming down with the financial crisis.
B) companies fear the financial crisis will not end.
C) financial community is finding a solution for the crisis.
D) financial crisis is at its peak since the beginning of 2008.
Questão 06. According to the text, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A) Authorisations increase, cancellations decrease.
B) The number of authorisations and cancellations are even.
C) The percentage of authorisations slowed by 18% this year.
D) The percentage of cancellations is bigger by the day.
Questão 07 sobre Simple Past to be: (FUVEST-SP) TRANSCREVA as orações, substituindo as formas verbais was e did e introduzindo Used to:
A) John was a good student.
B) She never did her lesson poorly.
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Gabarito com as respostas da lista com 07 exercícios de Inglês sobre Simple Past to be:
01. A;
02. A;
03. A;
04. B;
05. C;
06. A;
07. A) John used to be a good student.
B) She never used to do her lesson poorly.

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Mestre em Genética e Biologia Molecular – UESC-BA
Pós-Graduado em Metodologia do Ensino de Biologia e Química – FAEL
Licenciado em Ciências Biologias – IFMT/Campus Juína