Questão 01 sobre Artigos em Inglês: (UFPI) _________ University course is ________ usual requirement.
A) a / the
B) the / an
C) a / an
D) an / an
E) an / the
Questão 02. (ITA-SP) Dadas as sentenças:
I. The Browns were here yesterday.
II. He is an university student.
III. I want an information from you.
Constatamos que está(ão) CORRETa(S):
A) Apenas a I.
B) Apenas a II.
C) Apenas a III.
D) Apenas a I e a II.
E) Todas as sentenças.
Questão 03. (Milton Campos-MG) Supply the article, if necessary. ________reality is different from_______theory. Don’t worry about ____________coming years, says ___________our Minister of Industry and Commerce. Would that be__________unique point of view?
A) * / the / * / * / a.
B) The / the / the / the / an.
C) * / * / the / * / a.
D) A / * / * / the / an.
E) The / a / the / the / a.
Questão 04 sobre Artigos em Inglês: (ITA-SP) I more it rains, II worse III roads will be.
A) A the the
B) The the the
C) * * *
D) * the the
E) A * *
Questão 05. (ITA-SP) A alternativa que CORRETAMENTE preenche os espaços de i, ii e iii, na frase a seguir, é:
We know that I mankind is facing a lot of social problems.
I think that II my sister wants to go to III university in Europe.
A) * * a
B) * an *
C) The * a
D) The the an
E) The the the
Questão 06. (ITA-SP) The pianist I told you about lives in i one-story building on Main Street. Although she isn’t ii professional musician, she plays iii piano extremely well.
A) an a the
B) * a *
C) a a the
D) an * *
E) the * *
Questão 07. (ITA-SP) Not many people read ________ poetry, but quite _______ few read _______ novels.
A) * – a – *
B) the – * – *
C) a – a – *
D) * – * – *
E) a – the – the
Questão 08 (ITA-SP) When he was i librarian in Africa he had ii higher salary than he has now as iii teacher in this country.
A) * * *
B) a * the
C) the * the
D) a a a
E) the the the
Textos para as questões 09 a 10 sobre Artigos em Inglês:
Texto 01
Winged Victory of Samothrace

Museu do Louvre, Circa 190 a.C
Nike of Samothrace, discovered in 1863, is estimated to have been created around 190 BC. It was created to not only honor the goddess, Nike, but to honor a sea battle. It conveys a sense of action and triumph as well as portraying artful flowing drapery through its features which the Greeks considered ideal beauty. The work is notable for its convincing rendering of a pose where violent motion and sudden stillness meet, for its graceful balance and for the rendering of the figure’s draped garments, depicted as if rippling in a strong sea breeze, which is considered especially compelling.
Available at: <>. (adapted). Accessed: August 26th, 2010.
Texto 02
The world’s splendor has been enriched by a new beauty, the beauty of speed […] a roaring motor car, hurtling like a machine gun, is more beautiful than the Winged Victory of Samothrace.
MARINETTI, Filippo Tommaso. Manifesto of Futurism, 1909.
Questão 09. After reading texts I and II, we can note that Marinetti, author of the Manifesto of Futurism, makes reference to the Winged Victory’s beauty. In this way, it is possible to state that, through the comparison, the Manifesto intended to:
A) analyse the capacity of recomposition of a Greek statue.
B) support the modern parameter of praising Gods.
C) diminish Greek sculputures considering their compelling.
D) criticise Greek sculptures which praised gods and victory in battles.
E) implement a new parameter of beauty, the beauty of speed.
Questão 10 sobre Artigos em Inglês: A expressão as well as, no texto I, refere-se a uma:
A) condição.
B) consequência.
C) adição.
D) conclusão.
E) adversidade.
🔵 >>> Veja também nossas outras listas de exercícios de Inglês.
Gabarito com as respostas da melhor lista de atividades sobre Artigos em Inglês:
01. a;
02. the;
03. the;
04. the;
05. the;
06. the;
07. an;
08. the;
09. E;
010. C;

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Mestre em Genética e Biologia Molecular – UESC-BA
Pós-Graduado em Metodologia do Ensino de Biologia e Química – FAEL
Licenciado em Ciências Biologias – IFMT/Campus Juína