Questão 01 sobre Preposições em Inglês: (Unificado-RS) Sally borrowed it ______________ Mary.
A) at
B) off
C) from
D) of
E) to
Questão 02. (UFAL) Let’s talk ______________ your problem.
A) to
B) at
C) about
D) on
E) in
Questão 03. (UFU-MG) He’s coming _________________ São Paulo and he’s going __________ Brasília ___________ bus.
A) from, to, by
B) to, from, by
C) by, from, on
D) out, to, in
E) from, to, at
Questão 04 sobre Preposições em Inglês: (FGV-SP) There was a fight _______________ two men at the office this morning.
A) in
B) on
C) between
D) among
E) at