Exercícios sobre Discurso Indireto em Inglês: UFOP-MG–2010 – Texto para as questões de 01 até 04
Text I
School problems
School constitutes a large part of an adolescent’s existence. Difficulties in almost any area of life often manifest as school problems.
Particular school problems include
• fear of going to school,
• absenteeism without permission (truancy),
• dropping out,
• academic underachievement.
School problems during the adolescent years may be the result of
• rebellion and a need for independence (most common),
• mental health disorders, such as anxiety or depression,
• substance use,
• family conflict.
Sometimes, inappropriate academic placement – particularly in adolescents with a learning disability or mild intellectual disability that was not recognized early in life – causes school problems.
Problems that developed earlier in childhood, such as attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and learning disorders, may continue to cause school problems for adolescents.
Between 1% and 5% of adolescents develop fear of going to school. This fear may be generalized or related to a particular person (a teacher or another student) or event at school (such as physical education class). The adolescent may develop physical symptoms, such as abdominal pain, or may simply refuse to go to school.
Adolescents who are repeatedly truant or drop out of school have made a conscious decision to miss school. These adolescents generally have poor academic achievement and have had little success or satisfaction from school-related activities. They often have engaged in high-risk behaviors, such as having unprotected sex, taking drugs, and engaging in violence. Adolescents at risk of dropping out should be made aware of other educational options, such as vocational training and alternative programs. Changes in the learning environment and sometimes drug therapy can also be of great help to struggling adolescents.
LEVY, Sharon. Available at: <www.merck.com/mmhe/sec23/-ch269/ch269a.html>. Accessed: Apr. 08, 2010. (Adapted).
Questão 01. The purpose of the text is to discuss in adolescence.
A) school dropping out
B) students’ difficulties
C) academic activities
D) learning deficit
Questão 02. School problems can have the following causes, EXCEPT:
A) learning disorders.
B) inappropriate placement.
C) fear of going to school.
D) family conflicts.
Questão 03. The information presented in the text is that:
A) most students develop a school problem.
B) school is the biggest problem in adolescents’ lives.
C) bad academic results are seen as a school problem.
D) nearly any difficulties at school can become a fear.
Questão 04. It is INCORRECT to say that some students are afraid of going to school because of:
A) a teacher or classmate.
B) drug taking at school.
C) multiple causes.
D) a specific class.
IME-RJ–2011 – Exercícios sobre Discurso Indireto em Inglês: Texto para as questões 05 e 06
Recently, I was looking for something online, or probably browsing aimlessly, when I happened on a name I hadn’t thought of since I was a child: Alfred P. Morgan. Someone had uploaded a digitized version of The Boy Electrician. I was instantly swept back more than half a century to my local library. In my mind I saw the familiar metal shelving and the blue-gray binding of my favorite book, also written – and illustrated – by Morgan: The Boys’ First Book of Radio and Electronics.
Questão 05. What is known about Alfred P. Morgan?
A) He is fond of digitalized versions of books.
B) He is an old friend of the writer of the text.
C) He digitalized his own books to the net.
D) He is fifty years old.
E) He is an author of books on electricity and electronics.
Questão 06. Which of the following expressions is a synonym for “aimlessly” on the second line of the text?
A) with less objective
B) with no special purpose
C) short in time
D) with minor interest
E) out of thoughts
Questão 07. (Una-MG) Then Mary asked, “How far away is the nearest post-office?”
A) She asked how far away were the nearest post-office.
B) She asked how far away is the nearest post-office.
C) She asked how far away was the nearest post-office.
D) She asked how far was away the post-office.
E) She asked how far away the nearest post-office was.
Questão 08. (PUC Minas) The Indirect Speech of “I’ve some good news” is:
A) He said he had some good news.
B) He said he can have some good.
C) He said he is having some good news.
D) He said he has some good news.
E) He said he will have some good news.
Questão 09. (FCMMG) Sherman to Bill: “I’ve seen cyclists rely too heavily on this period but the window won’t do it all.”
A) He’d seen cyclists rely too heavily on that period but the window would not do it all.
B) He’d seen cyclists rely too heavily on this period but the window would not do it all.
C) He’d better saw cyclists rely too heavily on that period but the window would not do it all.
D) He saw cyclists rely too heavily on that period but the window would do it all.
Questão 10. (PUC Minas) Exercícios sobre Discurso Indireto em Inglês:The Indirect Speech transformation of “The bad news is that I don’t know where we are going” is:
A) He said the bad news was that he didn’t know where they were going.
B) He said the bad news was that he know where they are going.
C) He said the bad news was that he hadn’t known where they were going.
D) He said the bad news was that he won’t know where they were going.
E) He said the bad news is that knew where he were going.
🔵 >>> Veja também nossas outras listas de exercícios de Inglês.
Gabarito com as respostas da lista com 10 Exercícios sobre Discurso Indireto em Inglês:
01. B;
02. C;
03. C;
04. B;
05. E;
06. B;
07. E;
08. A;
09. A;
10. A

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