Questão 01 sobre Futuro Simples em Inglês: (UNESP-SP) Assinale a alternativa que preenche a lacuna da frase a seguir CORRETAMENTE. He will ________ almost everything you ask him.
A) do
B) to do
C) doing
D) does
E) did
Questão 02. (Mackenzie-SP) Choose the CORRECT alternative to complete the sentence. “Since I haven’t got _________, I will _________.”
A) enough time; have the cake made.
B) time enough; get someone to make the cake.
C) enough time; bake the cake myself.
D) any time; make the cake.
E) time enough; ask somebody to bake the cake.
Questão 03. (UNIRIO-RJ / Adaptado) The word shall in “This too shall pass“ conveys the meaning of:
A) certainty.
B) likelihood.
C) possibility.
D) suggestion.
E) expectation.
Questão 04 sobre Futuro Simples em Inglês: (Mackenzie-SP) Indicate the alternative that BEST completes the following sentence. “A prize ________ to whoever solves this equation.”
A) has given
B) should give
C) is giving
D) will be given
E) must have given
Questão 05. (Mackenzie-SP) Indicate the alternative that BEST completes the following sentences. “_______ to the movies alone? “Yes, but I wish you _______ with me.”
A) Will you go – had come
B) Are you going – could come
C) Have you gone – were
D) Would you go – come
E) Should you go – had come
Questão 06. (CEFET-MG / Adaptado) The following paragraph gives us the idea of “Ultrasound techniques developed by NASA to examine International Space Station crew members may soon find another use helping treat medical emergencies on Earth.”
A) a future fact.
B) a present fact.
C) a future possibility.
D) a present possibility.
E) a present probability.
(ENEM) Brazilian NGOs establish a network to influence climate change policies
Publication date: October 2002
Source: Center for International Climate and
Environmental Research
Through much of the past climate change negotiations, there has been little interaction between the Brazilian government and non-governmental organizations. In 2002, however, Brazilian NGOs formed a network because they were not satisfied with how the government dealt with important climate concerns, especially the link between deforestation and global warming. The network, called the Climate Observatory, aims to become a vehicle for influencing government views and policies on climate change. A first priority was to direct more attention to deforestation, an important yet controversial issue, both in Brazil and the international arena. In 2002, the network had 26 members from all over Brazil, and the effects of the network have included a broader participation of NGOs in the climate change debate in Brazil.
Available at: <> .
Accessed: Aug. 12th, 2010.
Questão 07 sobre Futuro Simples em Inglês: The idea of organizing a network called Climate Observatory:
A) was established in a social network discussion about Brazilian policies.
B) emerged from a dissatisfaction with government’s policies on climate issues.
C) was structured by government and non-governmental members.
D) emerged from 26 members from all over Brazil.
E) came from an initiative from the Brazilian government.
Questão 08. After reading the text, we can conclude that the main aim of the network is:
A) to build a tool to fight against the global warming.
B) to draw national attention to deforestation in Amazonia.
C) to create a problematic issue both in Brazil and around the world.
D) to negotiate deforestation among national and international NGOs.
E) to have an effect on the government’s climate policies.
Questão 09. The word yet in the sentence “A first priority was to direct more attention to deforestation, an important yet controversial issue […]” represents:
A) contrast.
B) condition.
C) reason.
D) cause
E) addition.

Available at: <>.
Questão 10. On the first square, the expression “getting on my nerves” means:
A) Making me very happy.
B) Falling in Love.
C) Making me very angry.
D) Making me very sad.
E) Insisting very much.
Questão 11 sobre Futuro Simples em Inglês: “Wanna” in the second square is used in informal language, during conversation. It is the short form of:
A) Want for.
B) Want up.
C) Want of.
D) Want to.
E) Want off.
🔵 >>> Veja também nossas outras listas de exercícios de Inglês.
Gabarito com as respostas do simulado com 10 atividades de Idiomas Estrangeiros sobre Futuro Simples em Inglês:
01. A;
02. A;
03. A;
04. D;
05. B;
06. C;
07. B;
08. E;
09. A;
10. A;
11. C;

Doutorando em Genética e Biologia Molecular – UESC-BA
Mestre em Genética e Biologia Molecular – UESC-BA
Pós-Graduado em Metodologia do Ensino de Biologia e Química – FAEL
Licenciado em Ciências Biologias – IFMT/Campus Juína