Questão 01 sobre Discurso Indireto em Inglês: (FMU-SP) A forma CORRETA de linguagem indireta da sentença They said to John, “Do you think you lead a good life here?” corresponde a:
They ___________ him if he ____________ he _______ a good life ______________.
A) asked – thought – led – there
B) told – thought – leads – here
C) said – thinks – leads – there
D) ask – thought – lead – here
E) asked – thinks – led – there
Questão 02. (UFOP-MG) Give the Indirect Speech transformation:
He said, “Yes, I believe in fortune-tellers, especially after what happened today.”
A) He said that he believed in fortune-tellers, especially after what had happened that day.
B) He said he believed in fortune-tellers, especially after what happened that day.
C) He said that he believed in fortune-tellers, especially after what had happened today.
D) He said that he believed in fortune-tellers, especially after what happened today.
E) He said that he believed in fortune-tellers, especially after what has happened this day.
Questão 03. (UFU-MG) The Indirect Speech transformation of “I will come and see you tonight” is:
A) Harry said he would have come and see us tonight.
B) Harry said he will come and see us tonight.
C) Harry said he came and saw us tonight.
D) Harry said he would come and see us tonight.
E) Harry says he comes and sees us tonight.
Questão 04 sobre Discurso Indireto em Inglês: (FCMSC-SP) He said, “Where does she live?”. No discurso indireto, teremos: