Texto para as questões 01 e 02 sobre Advérbios Interrogativos e Orações Interrogativas na Língua Inglesa:
Is ‘Facebook’, the social networking website, making us narcissist? A new book argues we’re much more self-absorbed nowadays, stating that technology is to blame. I tweet, therefore I am. Or is it, I tweet, therefore I am insufferable? As if adult celebrities that pop out on the red carpets weren’t clue enough, we now have statistical evidence that we are a lot more in love with ourselves than we used to be. This social phenomenon has raised fields of research to academic studies nowadays. In the book The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age of Entitlement, Jean M. Twenge, a professor of psychology at San Diego State University, and W. Keith Campbell, a social psychologist at the University of Georgia, look to the Narcissistic Personality Inventory, which measures self-regard, materialism, and lack of empathy. They found that the number of college students scoring high on the test has risen by 30 percent since the early 1980’s.
Questão 01. What kind of human behavior is central to the study mentioned in the text?
A) The alienation of the celebrities from the others around them.
B) Addiction to technology.
C) The high scoring of college students in academic tests.
D) The hard work of social psychologists.
E) Excessive positive feelings and admiration of oneself.
Questão 02. What has NOT been encouraging people to act the way described in the text?
A) technology
B) narcissism
C) materialism
D) psychology
E) entitlement
Texto para as questões 03 até 07 sobre Advérbios Interrogativos e Orações Interrogativas em inglês
Political corruption

World map of the Corruption Perceptions Index
In broad terms, political corruption is the misuse of public (governmental) power for illegitimate, usually secret, private advantage.
All forms of government are susceptible to political corruption. Forms of corruption vary, but the most common are patronage, bribery, extortion, influence peddling, fraud, embezzlement, and nepotism. While corruption often facilitates criminal enterprise such as drug trafficking, money laundering, and criminal prostitution, it[2] is not restricted to these organized crime activities, and it[2] does not always support or shield other crimes.
What constitutes corruption differs depending on the country or jurisdiction. Certain political funding practices that are legal in one place may be illegal in another. In some countries, police and prosecutors have broad discretion over who to arrest and charge, and the line between discretion and corruption can be difficult to draw, as in racial profiling[1]. In countries with strong interest group politics, practices that could easily constitute corruption elsewhere are sometimes sanctified as official group preferences.
Available at: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_corruption#Bribery:_Bribe-takers_and_bribe-givers.> Accessed: Apr. 2006. (Adapted).
Questão 03. According to the text, whenever public power is used for illegal purposes,
A) crime activities are restricted.
B) personal benefits are reached.
C) political corruption is banned.
D) public advantage is achieved.
Questão 04. A map was included in the text in order to show that corruption is a:
A) long banned enterprise.
B) government top secret.
C) few nations’ problem.
D) worldwide phenomenon.
Questão 05 sobre Advérbios Interrogativos e Orações Interrogativas na Língua Inglesa: According to the text, the notion of corruption:
A) changes from place to place.
B) constitutes legal activities.
C) reflects the official elections.
D) results in racial profiling.
Questão 06. Racial profiling[1] is mentioned in the text as a kind of practice:
A) difficult to categorize.
B) impossible to fight.
C) resultant from arrest.
D) seen as corruption.
Questão 07. Both occurrences of the word it[2] refer to:
A) criminal enterprise.
B) organized crime.
C) political corruption.
D) racial illegitimacy.
UNESP–2010. Texto para as questões 08 até 12 sobre Advérbios Interrogativos e Orações Interrogativas em inglês
Introducing E-Jets
Introducing E-jets, a family of four new-generation aircraft designed specifically to serve market opportunities in the emerging 70 to 120-seat capacity segment.
Entirely redesigned, our E-jets are not simply stretched versions of smaller aircraft platforms. Nor are they scaled down derivatives of larger models. Embraer E-jets are engineered from the ground up to maximize passenger comfort and operating efficiency. It’s a new concept in commercial air trainsport that blurs the line between regional jets and mainline aircrafts.
E-jets are designed around integral aviation principles: Engineering, Efficiency, Ergonomics and Economics.
So, if you’re ______________ for a jet that ___________ redefine the future of aviation, look ____________ Embraer.
The answer is E.
Questão 08. Com base no texto, analise as seguintes afirmações:
I. Os aviões da Embraer são mais adequados para voos regionais.
II. Os aviões da Embraer foram projetados a partir de projetos de aviões de pequeno porte.
III. Os aviões da Embraer foram projetados a partir de projetos de aviões de grande porte.
IV. Os aviões da Embraer são adequados para voos regionais e para voos mais longos.
V. Os aviões da Embraer de nova geração transportam entre 70 e 120 passageiros.
Está CORRETO apenas o contido em:
B) IV e V.
C) I e IV.
D) I, II e V.
E) II, III e IV.
Questão 09. A expressão stretched versions, utilizada no segundo parágrafo,
A) se opõe à expressão scaled down derivatives.
B) indica que o tamanho dos aviões foi reduzido.
C) indica que a capacidade dos aviões foi expandida.
D) indica que a produção dos aviões foi expandida.
E) enfatiza a expressão smaller aircraft platforms.
Questão 10. A expressão blurs the line, utilizada no final do segundo parágrafo, indica que:
A) há uma diferença clara entre regional jets e mainline aircrafts.
B) se propõe um novo conceito para a aviação regional.
C) se propõe uma linha de produção de aviões maiores.
D) tornou-se difícil distinguir com clareza a diferença entre regional jets e mainline aircrafts.
E) o conceito de aviação comercial deve ser renovado.
Questão 11. Os termos que designam os quatro princípios no terceiro parágrafo do texto provavelmente foram utilizados como uma estratégia de gênero de propaganda, porque:
A) se referem especificamente à produção de aviões.
B) todos iniciam com a letra e.
C) se referem a condições específicas para os passageiros.
D) são palavras parecidas com os termos equivalentes em português.
E) resumem as informações contidas no parágrafo anterior do texto.
Questão 12 sobre Advérbios Interrogativos e Orações Interrogativas na Língua Inglesa: Assinale a alternativa cujas palavras podem ser utilizadas para completar os espaços no último parágrafo do texto:
A) looked … will … for
B) flying … can … for
C) flown … will … at
D) flying … can … at
E) looking … will … to
🔵 >>> Veja também nossas outras listas de exercícios de Inglês.
Gabarito com as respostas do simulado com 12 questões de Língua Inglesa sobre os Advérbios Interrogativos e Orações Interrogativas:
01. E;
02. D;
03. B;
04. D;
05. A;
06. A;
07. C;
08. B;
09. A;
10. D;
11. B;
12. E

Doutorando em Genética e Biologia Molecular – UESC-BA
Mestre em Genética e Biologia Molecular – UESC-BA
Pós-Graduado em Metodologia do Ensino de Biologia e Química – FAEL
Licenciado em Ciências Biologias – IFMT/Campus Juína