12 Exercícios sobre Advérbios Interrogativos em Inglês

Questão 01 sobre Advérbios Interrogativos em Inglês: (UFMG–2009 / 2ª etapa) Suppose you work as an interviewer for a volunteering program in Brazil. You are going to conduct a phone interview with some candidates in English. Your boss gave you the following questions in Portuguese to help you. TRANSLATE them into English.

A) Qual é o seu nome?
B) Quantos anos você tem?
C) De que país você é?
D) Em que cidade você nasceu?
E) Você já trabalhou como voluntário alguma vez?
F) Quantas línguas você fala?
G) Você tem algum problema de saúde?
H) Por que você escolheu o Brasil para trabalhar como voluntário?
I) Seus pais concordam com sua decisão?
J) Quem vai financiar sua viagem?

Questão 02. (UFPR) _______ do you prefer: soccer or bowling?

A) When
B) Who
C) What
D) Whose
E) Which

Questão 03. (PUC-Campinas-SP) A: ____________ is your brother? B: He’s 20.

A) How often
B) How many years
C) How long
D) How much
E) How old

Questão 04 sobre Advérbios Interrogativos em Inglês: (PUC-Campinas-SP) ” ______ were they talking to ____ I came in?”

A) When – who
B) Who – when
C) What – when
D) Where – what
E) Who – where

Questão 05. (PUC-Campinas-SP) John: “____________” Mary: “For my headache.”

A) Where did you put the aspirins?
B) Why do you want an aspirin?
C) Where did you go?
D) What do you want?
E) How many aspirins do you want?

Questão 06. (Milton Campos-MG)

A: ____________ do you estimate life could exist in one of Jupiter’s moons?
B: Well, it seems to have water and water is the major requirement for life as we’ve already approached.

A) Why
B) Whose
C) Where
D) Which
E) Who

Questão 07. (PUC-Campinas-SP) ___________ weeks will he stay here?

A) How much
B) How long
C) How many
D) When
E) How

Questão 08 sobre Advérbios Interrogativos em Inglês: (UFS) ” _________ do you work hard?” ”Because I’m not rich.”

A) Why
B) Where
C) What
D) When
E) How

Questão 09. (UFU-MG) “ _________ were their names?” “Their names were Armstrong and Aldrin.”

A) What
B) Whose
C) Which
D) Who
E) Whom

Questão 10. (UFRGS) _________ is yours, the peach or the orange?

A) What
B) Who
C) Which
D) That
E) Whose

Questão 11. (Milton Campos-MG) ______ did Laura do ______ she saw the whale roll out of the water? _______ was it like? _________ did she shout “Bravo”?

A) How – where – What – How
B) Which – as – How – When
C) What – when – What – Why
D) What – because – How – What
E) What – while – What – Which

Questão 12 sobre Advérbios Interrogativos em Inglês: (Cesgranrio) Mark the question to which the following sentence could be the answer:
“He decided to get out of the car.”

A) Whose decision was that?
B) Where did he decide to get out of the car?
C) When did he decide to get out of the car?
D) What did he decide to do?
E) How did he decide to get out of the car?

🔵 >>> Veja também nossas outras listas de exercícios de Inglês.

Gabarito com as respostas da lista de exercícios sobre Advérbios Interrogativos em Inglês:

01. A) What is your name?
B) How old are you?
C) What country are you from?
D) In which city were you born?
E) Have you ever worked as a volunteer?
F) How many languages do you speak?
G) Do you have any health problem?
H) Why did you choose Brazil to work as a volunteer?
I) Do your parents agree with your decision?
J) Who will sponsor your trip?

02. E;

03. E;

04. B;

05. B;

06. A;

07. C;

08. A;

09. A;

10. C;

11. C

12. D

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