Questão 01 sobre Verbos Modais da Língua Inglesa: (Milton Campos-MG) Identify one of the following ideas in the sentence: It should be very strict.
A) Capacity
B) Advice
C) Prohibition
D) Permission
E) Conclusion
Aprenda sobre os Verbos Modais em Inglês assistindo esta vídeo aula:
Questão 02. (Cesgranrio) In one of the following sentences we cannot use the verb can because of the meaning. Mark it.
A) Those boys __________________ swim well.
B) Yes, I _______________ see them from here.
C) He has just bought a big new car, he ____________ certainly be earning a lot of money.
D) They say this herb ___________________ cure several diseases.
E) Now, after your clear explanation, I ____________ understand your point.
Questão 03. (Cesgranrio) Which is the idea expressed by may in “Caffeine may be regarded as a mildly addictive drug”?
A) Ability
B) Advice
C) Obligation
D) Necessity
E) Possibility
Questão 04. (PUC-Campinas-SP) You ought ___________ a holiday.