Questão 01 sobre Simple Past Tense: (UFMG–2006 / 2ª etapa) FILL IN the blanks with appropriate verbal forms. Use the verbs in parentheses.
(The first one is done for you as an example.)
Money Can’t Buy Job Happiness
By Jeff D. Opdyke
In my first job in 1989, I earned (earn) $16,380 annually, as a reporter for a newspaper in north Louisiana. If I could only get to $25,000, I 1._________________ (remember) thinking, life 2.___________________ (be) a breeze. With a job change a few months later, I 3.________________ (jump) past $27,000, and soon I 4.____________ (see) $40,000 as my new bar. So even if you can 5.________________ (survive) quite nicely on what you earn, it 6.__________________ (never seem) enough, and we immediately start 7.________________ (daydream) of a bigger figure. I 8.______________ (talk) last week to a friend in New York who 9._______________ (approach) in recent months by two companies looking to steal her away from her current job. Both 10._____________________ (pay) her a lot more money than she 11.__________________ (make) now. She 12._____________ (reach) that level in her current job where she no longer must 13.__________________ (prove) her abilities. The thing is, she says, when you 14.___________________ (walk) through the new doors, you have to prove yourself all over again, and that 15.______________ (take) energy. I’m very driven, but to do that when you 16._______________ (establish) should really take something special, and something more than money. She 17._______________ (not decide) yet. But she says: “I 18.________________ (be) very angry with myself if I traded comfort in my current job just for money in a job that 19._________________ (not provide) everything else I might 20._________________ (need).”
OPDYKE, Jeff D. Money can’t buy job happiness. Career Journal, Apr. 19, 2005. Available at: <http://>. (Adapted).
Texto para as questões 02 até 05 sobre Simple Past Tense:
I used to think I could quit checking my e-mail any time I wanted to, but I stopped kidding myself years ago. My e-mail program is up and running 24 hours a day, and once I submit to its siren call, whole hours can go missing. I have a friend who recently found herself stuck on a cruise ship near Panama that didn’t offer e-mail, so she chartered a helicopter to take her to the nearest Internet café. There was nothing in her queue but junk mail and other spam, but she thought the trip was worth it.
I know how she felt. You never know when you’re going to get that note from Uncle Eric about your inheritance. Or that White House dinner invitation with a time-sensitive R.S.V.P.
TIME, Jun. 10, 2002.
Questão 02. The passage tells us that the writer:
A) believes it’s about time he stopped thinking he can break the e-mail habit any time.
B) is fully aware that he’s a compulsive e-mail checker.
C) used to think only kids wasted whole hours checking their e-mail.
D) didn’t think it would take him years to break the e-mail habit.
E) thinks that once he’s able to stay away from his e-mail for 24 hours, he’ll get rid of his addiction.
Questão 03. Choose the CORRECT translation for “[…] whole hours can go missing.”
A) Não sinto falta das horas perdidas.
B) Vale a pena desperdiçar várias horas.
C) Sou capaz de perder horas inteiras.
D) Posso perder totalmente a noção das horas.
E) Não me importo em ficar até altas horas.
Questão 04 sobre Simple Past Tense: What did the writer’s friend find when she was able to check her e-mail, according to the passage?
A) Unimportant messages.
B) The writer’s message.
C) An invitation to dinner.
D) No message at all.
E) Her uncle’s message.
Questão 05. According to the passage, the writer’s friend:
A) was flown to Panama because the cruise ship had made her feel sick.
B) regretted having chartered a helicopter, after she checked her e-mail in the café.
C) left the cruise ship on a helicopter sent by her uncle to check her e-mail in the nearest Internet café.
D) was offered a helicopter to take her to Panama when her cruise ship was stuck.
E) was glad she had left the cruise ship on a helicopter to check her e-mail in the café.
Texto para as questões 06 até 10 sobre Simple Past Tense:
UFMG (modificada)
Why is the South Pole colder than the North Pole? Robert Bindschadler, a senior fellow and glaciologist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, explains.
THE U.S. STATION at the South Pole has been occupied since 1957. The coldest temperature on record for the South Pole is – 80.6 degrees Celsius.
Both polar regions of the Earth are cold, primarily
because they receive far less solar radiation than
the tropics and mid-latitudes do. At either pole the
Sun never rises more than 23.5 degrees above
05 the horizon and both locations experience six months
of continuous darkness. Moreover, most of the sunlight
that does shine on the polar regions is reflected by the
bright white surface. What makes the South Pole so
much colder than the North Pole is that it sits on
10 top of a very thick ice sheet, which itself sits on
a continent. The surface of the ice sheet at the
South Pole is more than 9,000 feet in elevation
– more than a mile and a half above sea level.
Antarctica is by far the highest continent on the Earth.
15 In comparison, the North Pole rests in the middle of
the Arctic Ocean, where the surface of floating ice rides
only a foot or so above the surrounding sea. The Arctic
Ocean also acts as an effective heat reservoir, warming
the cold atmosphere in the winter and drawing heat from
20 the atmosphere in the summer.
Available at: <>.
Questão 06. The South Pole is colder than the North Pole because the first:
A) gets less heat from the Sun.
B) experiences no summer and winter.
C) is located on a high continent.
D) has less contact with floating ice.
Questão 07. The text states that
A) radiation is higher in one of the two poles.
B) brightness creates a white surface in both regions.
C) temperatures reach 23.5 degrees in the two regions.
D) sunlight is absent for half a year in both poles.
Questão 08 sobre Simple Past Tense: One can infer from the text that Robert Bindschadler is:
A) a scientist.
B) a flight attendant.
C) an astronaut.
D) a student.
Questão 09. The word itself (line 10) refers to
A) ‘‘a thick ice sheet’’.
B) ‘‘a continent’’.
C) ‘‘the South Pole’’.
D) ‘‘the North Pole’’.
Questão 10 sobre Simple Past Tense: All the following verbs are used with similar meanings in the text, EXCEPT
A) […] rests[…] (line 15).
B) […] acts[…] (line 18).
C) […] sits[…] (line 9).
D) […] rides[…] (line 16).
🔵 >>> Veja também nossas outras listas de exercícios de Inglês.
Gabarito com as respostas do simulado com exercícios de Língua Inglesa sobre Simple Past Tense:
1. remember
2. would be
3. jumped
4. saw
5. survive
6. never seems
7. daydreaming
8. talked
9. had been approached
10. would pay
11. is making
12. has reached
13. prove
14. walk
15. takes
16. are established
17. has not decided
18. would be
19. does not provide
20. need
02. B;
03. C;
04. A;
05. E;
06. C;
07. D;
08. A;
09. A;
10. B

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Mestre em Genética e Biologia Molecular – UESC-BA
Pós-Graduado em Metodologia do Ensino de Biologia e Química – FAEL
Licenciado em Ciências Biologias – IFMT/Campus Juína