Exercícios sobre Interrogative Adverbs: FCMMG–2007
Childhood Leukaemia Risk Doubles Within 100 Metres of High-Voltage Power Lines
Category: Cancer / Oncology News
Article Date: 15 Sep 2004 – 9:00 p.m. (PDT)
The biggest ever publicly funded UK study into power
lines and child cancer has found that children under
the age of 15 living within 100 metres of high-voltage
power lines have close to twice the risk of developing
05 leukaemia. Children aged 0-5 are the most vulnerable,
so their risk is likely to be even higher.
This result from the Oxford Childhood Cancer
Research Group study, headed by Gerald
Draper, analysed and compared 33 years of data
10 (from 1962 to 1995) on 35,000 children diagnosed
with cancer, with their distance to the nearest
electricity transmission line. We have learned that
“preliminary results” of the latest Draper study,
funded to run from 1997-2001, were known as long
15 as 3 years ago and were formally shown confidentially
to the U.K. Department of Health in May 2003, but to
date has not as yet been entrusted to the public.
We of the Trentham Environmental Action Campaign,
an independent research and activist group, believe it
20 to be absolutely scandalous that 3 years after telling the
Department of Health of these latest UK findings, it is
only as a consequence of our intervention that we are
now able to make these findings public.
There appears to have been a determination to
25 withhold the Draper Report for as long as possible.
Our campaign group has been in constant contact
with the Government, Mr George Hooker at the
Department of Health and the National Radiological
Protection Board [NRPB]. We have also been deeply
30 disappointed in the organisations’ continuing denial
of the problem despite their knowing about these
new study results. The NRPB already acknowledges
that there is international consensus on the fact that
the incidence of childhood leukaemia is doubled at a
35 magnetic field of 0.4 microtesla, which is exceeded under
most power lines.
They said “In the light of these findings (the
association between exposure to magnetic fields
and childhood leukaemia) and the requirement for
40 additional research, the need for further precautionary
measures should be considered by government”.
Electromagnetic fields from power lines are also
linked to adult cancers, depression and suicide. Our
Trentham group carried out a local survey which produced
45 extremely worrying results. Depression, miscarriages,
headaches, insomnia were much more common in the
people who lived near the power line, compared with
those who lived further away. Some of these health
problems were also found in the important California
50 Health Department report of 2002.
Only 50 years ago developing childhood leukaemia
was an almost certain death sentence. Due to
dramatic improvements in treatment, about 80% of
children who suffer from the most common form of
55 childhood leukaemia now live for more than 5 years
after treatment, but childhood leukaemia remains the
largest child killer disease. The number of children
developing leukaemia has been steadily growing over
the last 50 years. In 2001, Dr Sam Milham reported
60 a link between the growth in electricity supply and the
growth in leukaemia incidence in the USA.
Available at: <http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/medicalnews>. Accessed: Aug. 05, 2006. (Adapted).
Questão 01. The text shows the result of a research:
A) about the advisability of living near power lines.
B) on high electricity voltage death reports.
C) on leukaemia treatment on children.
D) conducted with UK public funds.
Questão 02. The article discusses the rates of:
A) children developing skin cancer.
B) cancer in children under 15 years.
C) different kinds of child leukaemia.
D) the treatment for child leukaemia.
Questão 03. According to the article, in the circumstances discussed, children between 0 and 5:
A) run a greater risk of developing leukaemia.
B) are more apt to get cured when they are ill.
C) suffer more when they develop leukaemia.
D) are vulnerable to all kinds of diseases.
Questão 04. The research whose result is shown in the article:
A) published the report 33 years ago.
B) started collecting data 33 years ago.
C) analysed data collected during 33 years.
D) was conducted by a 33 year-old scientist.
Questão 05. Exercícios sobre Interrogative Adverbs: The study examined the relation between children with leukaemia and:
A) the distance of their homes to electricity transmission lines.
B) adults who suffered the illness in the same period of time.
C) the kind of action the government is taking to help them.
D) those who answered successfully to the treatment.
Questão 06. The Campaign which signs the article shows anger at the Department of Health:
A) for the result was not what they had been expecting.
B) as the Government claimed the research as their own.
C) while that department gets all the honor for the research.
D) because the result of the research was not made public.
Questão 07. From the text we understand that Mr George Hooker is responsible for the:
A) Oxford Childhood Cancer Research Group.
B) Trentham Environmental Action Campaign.
C) Department of Health and the NRPB.
D) California Health Department.
Questão 08. The text affirms that electromagnetic fields from power lines also are an outstanding factor in all the following, EXCEPT:
A) suicides.
B) dysentery.
C) depression.
D) adult cancers.
Questão 09. The text states that, comparing the present situation with 50 years ago:
A) leukaemia kills as many patients today as it did before.
B) children with leukaemia do not die of the disease any more.
C) there has been an improvement in the survival of leukaemia patients.
D) leukaemia has become a very rare disease for children nowadays.
Questão 10. Exercícios sobre Interrogative Adverbs: The link between the growth in electricity supply and the growth in leukaemia which the text deals with:
A) was established by scientists who worked in Oxford.
B) has been researched both in the UK and the USA.
C) is a typical phenomenon of the United Kingdom.
D) was an isolated case study made in California.
🔵 >>> Veja também nossas outras listas de exercícios de Inglês.
Gabarito com as respostas da lista de 10 Exercícios sobre Interrogative Adverbs:
01. D;
02. B;
03. A;
04. C;
05. A;
06. D;
07. C;
08. B;
09. C;
10. B

Doutorando em Genética e Biologia Molecular – UESC-BA
Mestre em Genética e Biologia Molecular – UESC-BA
Pós-Graduado em Metodologia do Ensino de Biologia e Química – FAEL
Licenciado em Ciências Biologias – IFMT/Campus Juína