Questão 01 sobre Present Continuous and Past Continuous Tenses: (UFMG–2007 / 2ª etapa) Using the verbs in parentheses, COMPLETE the sentences with the appropriate verbal forms.
A) A study from King’s College London _________________ (suggest) that ___________________ (chew) gum after meals____________________(fight) acid reflux.
B) An apple a day _______________(keep) the doctor away_______________(not be) really that far from truth, especially when it comes to keeping your digestive system_________________(run) smoothly.
C) Consuming oily fish may_____________(reduce) the risk of ___________ (develop) asthma. In a University of Cambridge study of 770 volunteers, researchers___________________ (find) that those with symptomatic asthma ______________ (be) less likely____________ (report) ____________ (eat) fish at least twice a week throughout the year than those with asthma.
D) One large egg __________________ (contain) just 75 calories, 5 grams of fat and 6.25 grams of protein.
E) The latest guidelines urge men _____________ (eat) nine fruits and vegetables a day, in part because they _____________ (be) at greater risk of many cancers than women.
F) If you ___________(eat) carbs and proteins together, your body _________________ (not absorb) them properly, and you ____________ (be) low on key vitamins.
G) Lollipop is a favorite children’s snack and ________________ (be) so since it ______________ (introduce) in England in the 1780s. The name comes from an English dialect word, “lolly,” “tongue,” and the “pop” is probably associated with the sound made when the candy __________________ (withdraw) from the mouth.
Texto para as questões 02 até 05 sobre Present Continuous and Past Continuous Tenses
Fact or Fiction
Do You Really Need Seven Hours of Sleep?
By Temma Ehrenfeld | Newsweek Web Exclusive Feb. 19, 2008. | Updated: 12:25 p.m. ET Feb. 19, 2008.
Yep, you do. Although people do vary in how much sleep they need, the differences are slight, and the vast majority of us (including seniors) need seven to eight hours. Most people who regularly get less than seven hours of rest are simply unaware of the damage that fatigue and sleepiness is doing to their bodies. Chronic “short-sleepers,” as scientists call them, have forgotten what it feels like to be well rested, says Robert Rosenberg, medical director of the Sleep Disorders Center of Prescott Valley, in Arizona.
The evidence indicates that a person who regularly sleeps less than seven hours a night functions as badly as someone who hasn’t slept for one to three days, according to a research review published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine last year. Furthermore, the largest current longitudinal studies (one involving 21,268 people and another 10,308) showed that sleep-deprivation increased mortality: the chance of dying younger than people of the same age, gender and health-risk factors. In the larger study researchers at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health assessed the sleep habits of the group in 1975 and 1981 and then checked to see who was still alive on Dec. 31, 2003. After comparing subjects’ survival rates to the average for people of the same age (and adjusting for other known death risks, like smoking), the researchers concluded that lack of sleep increased mortality in the study participants by 26 percent for men and 21 percent for women. The cause of death might be accidents, or diseases exacerbated by sleep-deprivation. Other current research indicates that lack of sleep affects the body’s hormones, immune system and metabolism; hence, it can be a risk factor for obesity, diabetes and heart disease.
To evaluate the quality of your own sleep – and whether you’re getting enough – try these tools offered by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
EHRENFELD, Temma. Fact or Fiction. NewsWeek, Feb.19, 2008. Available at: <>. Accessed: Feb. 20th, 2008.
Questão 02. Researchers concluded that sleep-deprivation:
A) must be recommended for old people.
B) may cause no impact in death rates.
C) improves the quality of life of everyone.
D) can be riskier for men than for women.
Questão 03. The information that we can infer from the text is:
A) the research reviews discussed are incomplete.
B) the larger research involved just a group of women.
C) the studies involved over thirty thousand people.
D) the stated results have no scientific basis.
Questão 04. Seven to eight hours of sleep a night is:
A) too much for students.
B) the least for most people.
C) very little for children.
D) a lot for old people.
Questão 05. “Short-sleepers” are people who sleep:
A) less than 7 hours a night.
B) during the work.
C) just at night.
D) all the time.
Texto para as questões 06 a 10 sobre Present Continuous and Past Continuous Tenses
Brazil faces threat of dengue type 4
Isabela Vieira
Rio de Janeiro – The Minister of Health, José Gomes Temporão, says there is a possibility that dengue type 4 will spread and become a problem next summer. Three cases have been confirmed in Roraima. “We have to be prepared,” said the minister. “It is not certain that dengue type 4 will spread. The behavior of the virus is unknown. However, there are direct flights from Roraima to São Paulo and other locations. So, we have to be ready next summer to aggressively reduce the disease vector. Dengue is presently at a level we expected. It can become an epidemic only when there are many mosquitoes, so we must reduce them.” Temporão explains that the dengue type 4 is dangerous because it has not appeared in Brazil for 28 years. As a result, there is a large part of the population that is not immune to it. The cases in Roraima are believed to have come from Venezuela. “As we cannot stop people from crossing the border and we don’t have a vaccine, we have to attack the mosquito that transmits the disease,” says the minister. The symptoms of dengue type 4 are the same as other forms of dengue: headache, severe pain in the body and especially the joints (in English it is called breakbone fever), diarrhea, vomiting and fever.
Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English Available at: <> Accessed: Aug. 16th, 2010.
Questão 06. The Minister of Health, José Gomes Temporão, says that Brazil may be fronting a problem next summer. This problem is due to the fact that:
A) there are many mosquitoes in Brazil.
B) Brazilians are prepared to the struggle against dengue type 4.
C) it is possible that dengue type 4 will spread in the country.
D) the government wants to stop people from crossing the country’s border.
E) the government wants to prohibit flights from Roraima to São Paulo.
Questão 07. Temporão also explains that dengue type 4 is dangerous because:
A) it has not appeared in the country for 28 years, so there is a large part of the Brazilian population that is not immune to it.
B) there is not enough vaccine for the population under 28 in Brazil.
C) it causes diarrhea and there is a large part of the population that won’t resist it.
D) the mosquitoes came in flights from Venezuela, a country where the population is not immune to the disease.
E) there is a large part of mosquitoes immune to the virus since it has not appeared in Brazil for 28 years.
Questão 08. In the sentence “As a result, there is a large part of the population that is not immune to it”, the expression as a result represents an idea of:
A) contrast.
B) cause.
C) condition.
D) reason.
E) consequence.
Questão 09. According to the text, one of the symptoms which follow the dengue disease is:
A) easily broken bones.
B) sore throat.
C) breakbone fever.
D) toothache.
E) stomach ache.
Questão 10 sobre Present Continuous and Past Continuous Tenses: In the extract “We have to be prepared”, the underlined words can be replaced by the modal:
A) can.
B) may.
C) shall.
D) must.
E) will.
🔵 >>> Veja também nossas outras listas de exercícios de Inglês.
Gabarito com as respostas da lista com 10 atividades de Língua Inglesa sobre Present Continuous and Past Continuous Tenses:
01. A) are doing
B) is – trying
C) is not lying
D) am washing
E) is writing
F) are not or aren’t reading
G) are or ’re fixing
H) are – trying
I) Is – working
J) are playing
K) is wearing
02. D;
03. C;
04. B;
05. A;
06. C;
07. A;
08. E;
09. C;
10. D

Doutorando em Genética e Biologia Molecular – UESC-BA
Mestre em Genética e Biologia Molecular – UESC-BA
Pós-Graduado em Metodologia do Ensino de Biologia e Química – FAEL
Licenciado em Ciências Biologias – IFMT/Campus Juína