Questão 01 sobre Substantivos e o Caso Genitivo: (ITA-SP) Quanto às frases:
I. Peter’s house is different from Wilson.
II. The children’s uncles were present.
III. The girl’s dolls are expensive.
A) a I está errada.
B) a I e a III estão corretas.
C) a I está correta.
D) todas estão corretas.
E) todas estão erradas.
Questão 02. (PUC Minas) Qual destas frases está CORRETA?
A) My father’s mother is my niece.
B) My father’s mother is my aunt.
C) My father’s mother is my grandmother.
D) My father’s mother is my great-grandmother.
E) My father’s mother is my sister.
Questão 03. (UEMA) Is this your car? No, it’s not. It’s _________.
A) John’s.
B) of John’s
C) the John’s
D) of the John.
E) John.
Questão 04 sobre Substantivos e o Caso Genitivo: (URCA-CE) Assinale a alternativa em que todas as formas estão CORRETAS:
A) Boxes, echoes, surveys, wives.
B) Wolfs, handkerchiefs, pianos, selfs.
C) Men, salesmen, halfs, dice.
D) Calfs, pence, wharfs, dynamos.
E) Libraries, houses, stomaches, flys.
Questão 05. (Mackenzie-SP) Escolha a alternativa que contém exclusivamente palavras no singular.
A) News, phenomenon, ox.
B) Foxes, church, business.
C) Mice, tooth, mouth.
D) Foot, lice, knife.
E) Wives, wolves, child.
are we spending enough on aids?

Figures in billions of dollars
“We’re dying not only because of Aids but because of government neglect,” activists charged on “Donahue” last February. In fact, the government’s response to the Aids outbreak is unprecedented. Since 1981, when the disease was first identified, federal funding for Aids research and prevention has totaled more than $ 4.7 billion. That’s more than for any single disease, including cancer, and more than for heart disease, stroke, hypertension and diabetes combined – though those afflictions claim about 35 times as many U.S. lives as Aids. Some still say we’re spending too little on Aids; others say too much. Examine the figures for Public Health Service funding above and decide for yourself if the government is ignoring this dread disease.
Questão 06. De acordo com o texto:
A) o governo americano subestima a extensão do problema da Aids.
B) os ativistas negligenciam o cuidado com a Aids.
C) o governo americano já gastou mais de US$ 4,7 bilhões na luta contra a Aids.
D) os ativistas reclamam que o governo americano investe mais em pesquisas contra o câncer.
E) há consenso entre as pessoas no que se refere aos gastos com a Aids.
Questão 07. Com relação ao texto, pode-se dizer que
A) as afirmações contidas no gráfico contradizem o texto.
B) a Aids é responsável por mais mortes do que o câncer.
C) o investimento em pesquisas na luta contra a Aids foi reduzido.
D) os gastos no combate às doenças são proporcionais.
E) as outras doenças mencionadas causam mais mortes que a Aids.
Substantivos e o Caso Genitivo: PUCPR–2010
Polio sufferer wins $22.5 million lawsuit
A man from Staten Island, New York, has won a lawsuit after he contracted polio 30 years ago from his daughter’s oral vaccination. Dominick Tenuto, 61, won $22.5 million from Lederle Laboratories who manufactured “Orimune”, a polio vaccine that was given to Tenuto’s 5-month-old daughter, Diana, in May 1979.
The following month, Tenuto, who was a supervisor for a Wall Street securities firm, contracted polio and lost the use of his legs. He claimed that the vaccine, which contained a live virus, passed through his daughter’s body and she excreted it. As a result, he is now in a wheelchair.
After the ruling, Tenuto said: “I’ve got some measure of relief that the truth finally was told in an open court of law.” He said of the money that, “it doesn’t change the way I live my life. It’s still going to be hard.”
Tenuto had also tried to sue the state of the late paediatrician Dr. Leroy Schwartz, but only Lederle was held liable. Lederle is planning to appeal.
Available at: <>, September, 2009.
Questão 08. The reason for Dominick Tenuto to sue Lederle Laboratories was:
A) he got polio from a vaccine the lab manufactured.
B) his daughter got polio after vaccination.
C) he already had polio and after the vaccine his daughter contracted it.
D) his daughter already had polio and after the vaccine he contracted it.
E) the vaccine was not efficient for his daughter.
Questão 09. In the text, the paragraph: “After the ruling, Tenuto said:
‘I’ve got some measure of relief that the truth finally was told in an open court of law.’ He said of the money that, ‘it doesn’t change the way I live my life. It’s still going to be hard.’” means:
A) Tenuto’s life will improve after he receives the money.
B) The fact that the truth came out in an open court does not pay for the hard life he has been living due to his physical conditions.
C) The result of the ruling has made Tenuto feel better, but his life is still going to be difficult.
D) The ruling results will not change his life at all.
E) Tenuto believes the results will change the lives of other people with the same problems.
Questão 10 sobre Substantivos e o Caso Genitivo: In the sentence “Tenuto had also tried to sue the state of the late paediatrician Dr. Leroy Schwartz […]” the word late stands for:
A) not on time.
B) old fashioned.
C) former.
D) deceased.
E) last.
🔵 >>> Veja também nossas outras listas de exercícios de Inglês.
Gabarito com as respostas da lista de exercícios de Inglês sobre Substantivos e o Caso Genitivo:
01. A;
02. C;
03. A;
04. A;
05. A;
06. C;
07. E;
08. A;
09. C;
10. D

Doutorando em Genética e Biologia Molecular – UESC-BA
Mestre em Genética e Biologia Molecular – UESC-BA
Pós-Graduado em Metodologia do Ensino de Biologia e Química – FAEL
Licenciado em Ciências Biologias – IFMT/Campus Juína