08 Exercício de Inglês sobre Gerund, Infinitive and Causative Verbs

simulado com gabarito de inglês sobre Gerund and Infinitive and Causative Verbs

Gerund, Infinitive and Causative Verbs: UFMG–2010 Text IAfter capitalismThe era of transition that we are entering will be disruptive – but it may bring a world where markets are servants, not masters. To understand what capitalism might become, wefirst have to understand what it is. This is not so simple.Capitalism includes a market economy, but … Leia mais

Reported Speech 11 Exercises para Enem e Vestibular

simulado completo com atividades de inglês sobre Reported Speech Exercises

Reported Speech Exercises: Unimontes-MG–2007Skinny Barbie blamed over eating disorders Barbie dolls may contribute to eating disorders in adolescence, according to new research. The study found that the Barbie dolls, which are far thinner than traditional shapes, particularly at the waist, make girls want to be unrealistically slim when they grow up.The researchers from two British … Leia mais

11 Exercícios de Inglês sobre Verbo Frasal e Falsos Cognatos

atividades gratuitas de inglês sobre Verbo Frasal e Falsos Cognatos

Verbo Frasal e Falsos Cognatos: UFMG – Texto para as questões de 01 até 06 Migration: A force of history Historically, the net effect of migration has been a benign one I was born in one continent, moved to a secondand settled in a third. Asia, Africa and Europe; SriLanka, Ghana and Britain. They are … Leia mais

10 Exercícios sobre Discurso Indireto em Inglês

simulado com exercícios gratuitos sobre Discurso Indireto em Inglês

Exercícios sobre Discurso Indireto em Inglês: UFOP-MG–2010 – Texto para as questões de 01 até 04 Text ISchool problemsSchool constitutes a large part of an adolescent’s existence. Difficulties in almost any area of life often manifest as school problems.Particular school problems include• fear of going to school,• absenteeism without permission (truancy),• dropping out,• academic underachievement.School … Leia mais

14 Exercícios de Língua Inglesa sobre Special Difficulties

simulado com atividades de Língua Inglesa sobre Special Difficulties

Special Difficulties: CEFET-MG–2010 / AdaptadoStudy suggests toads can detect coming earthquakesBritish study says toads hopped away from breeding site days before deadly Italian earthquake Common toad, bufo bufo.When it comes to predicting earthquakes, toads – warts and all – may be an asset. British researchers said recently that they observed a mass exodus of toads … Leia mais

08 Exercícios sobre Causative Verbs and Use of Gerund and Infinitive

atividades com gabarito sobre Causative Verbs and Use of Gerund and Infinitive para estudantes de inglês

Texto para as questões 01 e 02 sobre Causative Verbs and Use of Gerund and Infinitive:  Questão 01. The G8, a group composed of the most powerful countries in the world, makes decisions that can affect people’s lives all over the world. Due to that, it is highly observed and often criticized. By the cartoon … Leia mais

09 Exercícios sobre Phrasal Verbs and False Cognates

questões de Inglês respondidas sobre Phrasal Verbs and False Cognates para enem e vestibular

Texto para as questões 01 e 02 sobre Phrasal Verbs and False Cognates: Ain’t no sunshine[Spoken Intro:]You ever want somethingThat you know you shouldn’t haveThe more you know you shouldn’t have it,The more you want itAnd then one day you get it,It’s so good tooBut it’s just like my girlWhen she’s around meI just feel … Leia mais

10 Exercícios de Língua Inglesa sobre Reported Speech

simulado de língua inglesa sobre Reported Speech para vestibular e enem

Questão 01 sobre Reported Speech: UFOP-MG–2009Teens’ online safety improved by education, research showsNew research shows that teens’ online safety is improvedby education. Researchers from the University at Buffaloand University of Maryland surveyed 285 preteens andearly teenagers, both male and female, to determine05 how important they thought it was to protect their privacyonline and whether those … Leia mais

10 Exercícios sobre as Particularidades do Vocabulário da Língua Inglesa

exercícios com gabarito sobre Particularidades do Vocabulário da Língua Inglesa

Questão 01 sobre as Particularidades do Vocabulário da Língua Inglesa: FASEH-MG–2010 Environmental healthEnvironmental health addresses all the physical, chemical and biological factors external to a person, and all the related factors impacting behaviours. It encompasses the assessment and control of those environmental factors that can potentially affect health. It is targeted towards preventing disease and … Leia mais

10 Questões sobre Verbos Causativos e Uso do Infinitivo e Gerúndio no Inglês

exercícios sobre Verbos Causativos e Uso do Infinitivo e Gerúndio no Inglês com gabarito

Questão 01 sobre Verbos Causativos e Uso do Infinitivo e Gerúndio no Inglês: (Fatec-SP / Adaptado) Observe o uso (função gramatical) da forma -ing nas frases seguintes: I. For several years, a British energy company, British Gas, has been quietly drilling in the Mediterranean. II. Instead, Sharon is leaning toward […] III. […] for their resource … Leia mais